Big Love Ukraine
Challenging the injustice of war



Your support has enabled us to support numerous families displaced by the conflict in Ukraine, providing them with essential food, aid, and warm clothing.

Big love ukraine

The funding we've received has been a game-changer for Big Love. It's allowed us to bring on board three dedicated aid relief workers in Romania and Moldova, creating a ripple effect of support for many individuals. We have supported housing for over 30 refugees. Our monthly support covered everything from food and education for children to warm coats and wellies as winter approaches.

Our friends in Romania are making regular trips to the Ukrainian border, delivering crucial humanitarian aid, including coats, baby clothes, nappies, water, and blankets. Every resource from this appeal empowers us to provide essential aid and equips our friends on the frontlines, offering support and emergency essentials to those fleeing Ukraine in the midst of a humanitarian crisis.

From the countless stories we've witnessed during our Big Love trips, one truth remains steadfast: Love will always prevail over darkness. We're deeply grateful for your support, which is the driving force behind this change

Bethany House

Over the last 9 months Big Love has been able to work closely with Outstretched Hands supporting a house that is keeping close to 20 Ukraines safe and warm. Big Love has been able to support monthly food shops for the house and provide support to families currently staying at the house.

Aid Relief

Let us introduce Roxy to you! Roxy along with her husband Eci are part of Outstretched Hands who we have partnered with for over 10 years. Roxy has been one of the aid relief workers Big Love has been able to support throughout the war. Roxy has helped many families with logistics and support and loves people beautifully. We love that we get to work together.

Trip to the border

The full-scale invasion of Russia into Ukraine has caused devastating chaos to thousands of individuals and families who have lost their homes, their livelihoods and are now fleeing and moving across international borders. Big Love, working with our partners in Romania & Moldova is supporting re-housed families and delivering aid to the borders.

Challenging the injustice of the war in ukraine.