Big love begins

Since 2019, Big Love has been working in Romania, supporting families and children facing severe hardship. During Covid, we helped establish food banks in Calarasi, welcomed by the local community. We’ve also launched initiatives to protect children vulnerable to trafficking, partnering with Outstretched Hands to create lasting change. With numerous trips planned each year, the journey ahead is filled with hope and endless possibilities.

Places we work

Big Love spans Romania, Moldova, and the UK, guided by our five core objectives. In Romania and Moldova, we’ve built lasting partnerships, providing monthly food and accommodation support to Ukrainian refugees. In the UK, we run school football projects, self-esteem courses, and distribute warm coats to children in need during the cost-of-living crisis. Together, we’re driving positive change and making a real difference.

Doi Moldoveni - Romania

We’re committed to creating a brighter future by supporting a centre in Doi Moldoveni, where over 50 children receive daily meals and educational opportunities. In a region vulnerable to trafficking, we also provide essential support to the dedicated staff who mentor and guide these children.

Oltenita - Romania

In Oltenita, we serve two neighbourhoods, supporting around 50 children with Bible lessons, crafts, homework help, and assistance in writing and maths. Many children lack parental involvement in their education, but our intervention is boosting school attendance and performance. Big Love’s financial support is crucial to sustaining these activities and building strong community bonds.

Barbering courses

In 2023, we launched a groundbreaking hairdressing course for young people at risk of trafficking and exploitation. With plans to expand skills training through partnerships with UK businesses and faith groups, we’re set to empower even more children.

Big Love Moldova

We’re thrilled to have expanded into Moldova in 2023 with our incredible facilitators, Tim and Ellie Button. This year, we’re supporting a centre for children with disabilities and a youth community centre. In 2023, we hosted a Superhero summer camp for 50 disabled children, and we’re excited about more impactful trips in the future.

Big Love Local

Big Love, in partnership with Reach Every Generation, is empowering local youth in our hometown in Essex through football mentoring and life skills for Year 8 & 9 boys. We also run inspiring football sessions for 14-16 year-olds at a special needs college, fostering growth and inclusion. Together, we’re making a lasting impact right here at home.

Big Love Hope Course

Big Love’s Hope Course is a vital support for those walking through addiction, already empowering over 45 women in two UK centres and 40 women abroad. With the course expanding to primary schools in October 2024, we’re creating lasting change for the next generation. We invite sponsorship to help extend the reach and impact of this transformative programme.

Key Strategic Areas


Football is at the heart of what we do, both abroad and at home. We’ve distributed hundreds of kits, run coaching sessions, and supported Romanian villages with equipment and goals. In the UK, we mentor over 35 local lads each week through football in secondary schools, partnering with professional clubs to make a lasting impact.

Hope & Wellbeing

At Big Love, we’re passionate about unlocking the potential in every person through our Hope Courses. With over a decade of experience, we’ve empowered 45+ women in the UK and 40 women in Romania. Our mission is to spread the message of self-worth and value to as many lives as possible.


Partnering with UK schools, we’ve provided adaptable curriculums and transported vital resources to Romanian schools, including stationery, bags, and books. We also supported a school for 15 Ukrainian children. In the UK, the Hope Course is educating and supporting those walking through addiction, and the kids’ course will be an educational tool for Year 5 & 6 students.

Relational Development

At home, we collaborate with schools, businesses, faith groups, and individuals who share our passion. On our trips, we focus on building strong relationships with churches, villages, and community leaders. We also explore sustainable models of self-sufficiency to support those tirelessly serving their communities.

Building Work

This year, on our mission trips to Romania, we’ve made a real impact by insulating a home and completing small domestic jobs with a team of skilled builders. From building storage and putting up shelves to constructing a concrete base for future projects, every task is completed before we leave, ensuring lasting improvements for the local community.