
Stu Alleway

Thanks for visiting our page. Emm and I founded Big Love in 2019, and since then we've been working with multiple UK agencies, businesses, football clubs, faith groups & schools to deliver education, sporting activities and breakfast and lunch clubs for children in areas of severe depravation. We have also set up projects to support children vulnerable to trafficking. In the UK we work with pastoral teams in secondary schools to provide coats for children in hardship and mid-week we run a football club for people to connect. We have also pioneered our Hope Course for vulnerable adults.

In November 2022, Emm and I made the decision for me to work full time for Big Love in order to develop our vision. Our dedication to the work and values of Big Love is unwavering and we'd love you to be a part of the story! If you would like to support me personally, there is an opportunity to do so financially via Stewardship. I am accountable to our board of trustees.

While we're still at the beginning of our journey, we're excited about drawing people from different paths to join us as we aim to challenge the injustice of poverty. We see Big Love as a bridge which people can cross to utilise their skills, gifts and talents and in doing so, find worth, purpose and value and discover the power that comes through compassion and service to others. Thanks for your time. Big Love, always. Sx

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ONe Time
One time donation

We process our monthly giving through Stewardship. Please us the link below to give. Thankyou.

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Monthly Giving

We process our monthly giving through Stewardship. Please us the link below to give. Thankyou.

donate monthly
We work with Stewardship to process all of our monthly and one off donations. Registered in England under charity no. 234714 and company no. 90305